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Кенни Омега/Kenny Omega

Кенни Омега/Kenny Omega

Реальное имя: Тайсон Смит
Имена на ринге: Кенни Омега,Скот Карпинтер, Янг Мастер Того
Объявляемый рост: 183 см
Объявляемый вес: 92 кг
Место рождения: Манитоба, Канада
Место проживания: Pokémon Stadium
Дебют: 2002 год

Достижения в рестлинге:
All Japan Pro Wrestling
AJPW World Junior Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
Canadian Wrestling's Elite
CWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Danny Duggan
CWE Tag Team Championship Tournament (2010) – with Danny Duggan
Canadian Wrestling Federation
CWF Heavyweight Championship (1 time)[8]
Dramatic Dream Team
DDT Extreme Division Championship (1 time, current)
KO-D 6-Man Tag Team Championship (1 time, current) – with Gota Ihashi and Kota Ibushi
KO-D Openweight Championship (1 time)
KO-D Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Kota Ibushi (1) and Michael Nakazawa
Nihonkai Six Man Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Mr. #6 and Riho
King of DDT (2012)
Best Match Award (2012) vs. Kota Ibushi on August 18
Japan Indy Grand Prix
Best Bout Award (2012) vs. Kota Ibushi on August 18
Jersey All Pro Wrestling
JAPW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
JAPW Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time, current)
Main Stream Wrestling
Canadian Unified Junior Heavyweight Championship (3 times)
National Wrestling Alliance
NWA Canadian X Championship (1 time)
New Japan Pro Wrestling
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Kota Ibushi
Premier Championship Wrestling
PCW Heavyweight Championship (4 times)
PCW Tag Team Championship (2 times, current) – with Rawskillz (1) and Chris Stevens (1, current)
Premier Cup (2005, 2007)
Best Finishing Move of the Year (2009) Hadouken
Best Finishing Move of the Year (2010–2011) Croyt's Wrath
Best Mic Skills (2009–2011)
Best News of the Year (2009) Omega captures IWGP gold
Best News of the Year (2010) Omega Becomes Hottest Indy Sensation in the World
Feud of the Year (2008) vs. Mike Angels
Feud of the Year (2010) with The Experience vs. Antonio Scorpio Jr.
Feud of the Year (2011) with The Experience vs. Will Damon
Funniest Moment of the Year (2008–2009) Omega's Invisible Props
Funniest Moment of the Year (2011) Omega Forces Chad Tatum to Suck Rope[
Maneuver of the Year (2011) Super Croyt's Wrath with Chris Stevens
Match of the Year (2002) vs. Mentallo
Match of the Year (2003) vs. Robby Royce
Match of the Year (2005) vs. Rawskillz
Match of the Year (2006) vs. A.J. Styles
Match of the Year (2008) vs. Mike Angels
Match of the Year (2010) vs. Davey Richards
Match of the Year (2011) vs. Antonio Scorpio Jr.
Most Likely to Make it in 2009
Most Popular Wrestler of the Year (2003, 2006–2011)
Most Shocking Moment of the Year (2005) Omega signs WWE contract
Most Shocking Moment of the Year (2006) Omega returns from WWE to challenge A.J. Styles
Tag Team of the Year (2011) – with Chris Stevens[
Wrestler of the Year (2003, 2007–2011)
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla
PWG World Championship (1 time)
Battle of Los Angeles (2009)

Коронные приёмы:

- опубликовал: Рони - дата публикации: - 13-06-2013, 09:55 просмотров: 4846 - Комментарии (2)

написал: andrej.ryabets | 13 июня 2013 18:23 | зарегистрирован: --

Группа: Гости
Публикаций: 0
Комментариев: 0
написал: ssivach | 21 июня 2013 19:41 | зарегистрирован: 17.04.2012

Группа: VIP WWE
Публикаций: 89
Комментариев: 687
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